The property posses by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emites light.
In Art colour is the mean of visual/sensuous expression.
In psychology colours are stimuli influencing psyche and behaviour.
Colour theory-
Is a body of practical guidance to colour mixing and the visual effects of a specific colour.
Colour scheme-
Is a choice of colours used in designs for a range of media. colour schemes are used to creat style and appeal.
Colour wheel-
Or colour circle is an abstract illustrated organisation of colour hues around a circle that shows relationships, between primary colours, secondary colours, tertiary colours ect.
Analogous colours- one colour plus two either side.
Achromatic and neutral black/white/shades of gray and beige
Chromatic colour- just a colour
Monochromatic- all the shades of ONE colour
cool colours-blue/green
Warm colours- reds/oranges/yellows
Lightness- (light vs dark/ or white vs. black)
Saturation- (intense vs. dull)
Sir Issas newtons devolped the first circular diagrame of colours in 1666. Since the scientist, and artist have studied and designed numerous variations of this concept.
found on goole images |
Colour context- how colour behaves in relation to other colours and shapes
Colour harmony- is a visual experiance, harmony is something that is pleasing to the eye. it engages the viewer and it creates an inner sense of order, a balance in the visual experience.
Describing colour- light,dark,pale,matt,shinny,satin,deep,intence,dull,muted,clear,cool,warm,dynamic
DONALD TRUMP- "See that gold cadillac down the street?thats the colour i want those handrails. Gold. Cadillac Gold. Not yellow like a daisy.